Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 4 of Insanity

Today I did the Cardio Recovery video for the Insanity Series!  It was nice to have a little break from super hard fast paced cardio BUT it was still very hard.  My legs are super super sore but not nearly as sore as I was a couple days ago.  I am really hoping that these workouts pay off, I know I am only on Day 4 of 60 but I am so stinkin frustrated.  I wanted so badly to weigh myself this morning but I know that it wouldn't be any lower and it would just stress me out.

Ava turned 7 months old yesterday!  I cannot believe that she has grown so fast.  I still remember the day that I first held her in my arms and I kept thinking, "is this real"?  And sometimes even after all of this time I still wonder if I am dreaming or not.  I remember the first time I was alone with her I took her out of her swaddle and I looked at all of her, counted her toes, her fingers and just stared at her in complete amazement.  How did we create sometime so perfect, so amazing?  I was thinking the other day about life before her and while I remember it, I wouldn't go back to it for anything.  Avalynn is my world.  She makes me remember there is a reason why I am here and gives me the motivation to live every day to the fullest.

I went into her room last night and stood in her room listening to her breathe and watching her sleep.  Even with all the stress, poop, puke, crying, teething, bruises, etc. I couldn't and wouldn't have it any other way.  My baby girl means so much to me!  Seven months of amazingness! 

Today Ava decided to try and stand (unsupported) while we were in the shower.  She somehow gave herself a black eye.  Sometimes I feel like a terrible mother because she falls so much but what can I do when all she wants is to walk?  I can't even leave her toys on the foor anymore because she refuses to play with them on the floor, they have to be on the coffee table.  What a crazy little baby girl I have!

I have been thinking about the wedding lately and I cannot believe its so close.  I cannot wait to be with Aaron forever!  He has sacrificed and given up so much for both Ava and I.  What a lucky woman I am.  I talked to Barbie about my dress and I couldn't be more excited.  We have a place, a photographer, and a wedding party!  Every day I get more and more excited.

1 comment:

  1. Im getting really excited for you wedding too!! you're gonna look FAB-U-LOUS!!!! Those workouts seem intense and i give you so much props for stickin with it! i know i couldnt......
    Ava is so stinkin cute! she is growing so much and it's crazy to see how mobile she is! i still remember her just being a lil stinker and now she's trying to walk (run)! hahaha i love that our girls get to grow up together and this summer is going to be awesome with them!! you're such a good mommy and im really proud of you ashley! love ya hun :)
